Different states have different laws and policies in place regarding insurance coverage and public adjusting. In many states, Public Adjusters are required to receive licensure before being able to serve clients located there. We cover claims from many different states and am currently most active in Florida, Ohio, and Indiana. So whether you’re dealing with the aftereffects of a hurricane that hit the Florida coast, or your home was damaged by ice and hail in a winter storm in Ohio, or your Indiana business was recently targeted by vandals, We have the knowledge and the qualifications to take on your claim. Call now for a free evaluation or updated information about your state’s regulations.
As a coastal state, Florida is no stranger to natural disaster. Hurricanes, tropical storms, and tornados occur regularly and can leave your home or business with devastating property damage from the strong winds and heavy rains. Don’t let your claim get pushed to the bottom of the pile the next time a storm comes around. Let me help expedite your claim and get it the attention it deserves.
Louisiana residents face a constant threat of property damage due to the state’s unique weather patterns. Hurricanes, with their powerful winds and storm surge, can devastate coastal communities, causing flooding, roof damage, and structural collapse. Torrential rainfall from tropical storms and thunderstorms often leads to widespread flooding, impacting homes and businesses alike.
While many people assume land-locked Ohio is relatively low-risk (compared to coastal and mountainous states) in terms of natural disaster, that doesn’t mean it’s low risk for property damage. The heavy snowfall in winter can cause roof damage and building collapse if you aren’t regularly shoveling off your roof. And freezing temperatures can cause water pipes to freeze and burst resulting in water damage. If this happens, don’t hesitate to give us a call to get your claim started.
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