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Filing Your Claim

Claims go faster and smoother when Utopia
Public Adjusting and our services are involved
from the beginning. Contact us first to increase
your chances of getting the outcome you deserve.


Estimating Reporting

Our team meticulously inspects for damage,
capturing detailed photographs and providing
precise estimates. We ensure you understand
the extent of the damage and the associated costs.


Supplemental Claim

For insured property owners who have received an
incorrect settlement amount from their insurance
company, our Supplemental Claim Services are here to help.


Umpire Services

Our Umpire Services offer a neutral third-party
evaluation to resolve disputes between policyholders
and insurance companies.


"Advocating for you,
your assets, and your
peace of mind"

I will represent YOU and YOUR interests when dealing
with your Insurance Company.When disaster affects
your home or business, I can help you deal with it.



Utopia Public Adjusting and Claims Services started in
2006, working Hurricane Irma claims. Once Hurricane
Ida made landfall in New Orleans in 2021, we
expanded there. In New Orleans, we assisted over
one-hundred clients in getting their claim solved and
them back in their homes Hurricane lan hit Southwest
Florida in late 2022, so we followed to help as many
people as we possibly could.

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Filing Your Claim

Claims go faster and smoother when
Utopia Public Adjusting and our service
are involved from the beginning…

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Our Appraisal Services provide an unbiased
assessment of your property’s damage
when there is a dispute with…

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Umpire Service

Our Umpire Services offer a neutral third-party
evaluation to resolve disputes between
policyholders and insurance companies…

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License Information


License #1427588


License #W807212


License #969510

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Our References

Law Firms that hire us Utopia as an Expert

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Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined
chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator.

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